Postpartum Depression Devotion

Even a glimmer of light becomes a safety rope that can pull you from the dark abyss of depression. My heart feels like it breaks into a million tiny pieces, cracking wide open when I think about what I went through during the heaviest days of postpartum depression and for all of the other Mamas out there who have grappled with this level of internal pain. I used to wonder why I still get so emotional when I reflect on what those days were like. But I realized that time was etched into my soul, not as punishment but for a purpose. So that I could still see and feel what other Mamas are still in the thick of. What a gift and an honor. I’m thankful God trusted me with this assignment.

I knew I wanted to do something to serve others so that one of the darkest times of my life was not in vein. God opened up the opportunity for me to write a Bible based devotional for navigating the rugged and unknown journey of postpartum depression.

If you are a Christ follower, who is wondering where the heck God is during your battle with postpartum depression, then I would encourage you to read this free devotional on the YouVersion Bible App. Here’s the Link!

If you read it, and are willing, please let me know what you think. You are not alone, Mama. I promise.



  1. Taylor
    September 2, 2023 / 3:32 pm

    Thank you for this. I have found it helpful and gives me hope during my postpartum depression journey

  2. Ana
    October 2, 2023 / 6:32 am

    As a first time mom with a now 2 month old, I just finished this devotional today and I wish it didn’t end! I loved each one you were so relatable and each day seemed to be exactly what I needed to hear in the moments I spent reading it. As a young mom finding her way back to Christ this was really easy to follow and understand. Thank you so much for sharing this and I can’t wait to keep up with your future work!

  3. Ms. Harris
    October 10, 2023 / 3:48 am

    Your devotion is a Blessing to me I keep going back to day 1 so that I can continue reading and applying the knowledge please pray for me. I recently went through postpartum depression with my last child he is one and I am currently expecting again this year and this pregnancy has been hard on me. Again I ask for prayer and encouragement. God Bless you.

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